
Tasks store dictionaries and provide helpers for loading/iterating over Datasets, initializing the Model/Criterion and calculating the loss.

Tasks can be selected via the --task command-line argument. Once selected, a task may expose additional command-line arguments for further configuration.

Example usage:

# setup the task (e.g., load dictionaries)
task = fairseq.tasks.setup_task(args)

# build model and criterion
model = task.build_model(args)
criterion = task.build_criterion(args)

# load datasets

# iterate over mini-batches of data
batch_itr = task.get_batch_iterator(
    task.dataset('train'), max_tokens=4096,
for batch in batch_itr:
    # compute the loss
    loss, sample_size, logging_output = task.get_loss(
        model, criterion, batch,


class fairseq.tasks.translation.TranslationTask(cfg: fairseq.tasks.translation.TranslationConfig, src_dict, tgt_dict)[source]

Translate from one (source) language to another (target) language.

  • src_dict (Dictionary) – dictionary for the source language
  • tgt_dict (Dictionary) – dictionary for the target language


The translation task is compatible with fairseq-train, fairseq-generate and fairseq-interactive.

Language Modeling

class fairseq.tasks.language_modeling.LanguageModelingTask(args, dictionary, output_dictionary=None, targets=None)[source]

Train a language model.

  • dictionary (Dictionary) – the dictionary for the input of the language model
  • output_dictionary (Dictionary) – the dictionary for the output of the language model. In most cases it will be the same as dictionary, but could possibly be a more limited version of the dictionary (if --output-dictionary-size is used).
  • targets (List[str]) – list of the target types that the language model should predict. Can be one of “self”, “future”, and “past”. Defaults to “future”.


The language modeling task is compatible with fairseq-train, fairseq-generate, fairseq-interactive and fairseq-eval-lm.

The language modeling task provides the following additional command-line arguments:

usage:  [--task language_modeling]
        [--sample-break-mode {none,complete,complete_doc,eos}]
        [--tokens-per-sample TOKENS_PER_SAMPLE]
        [--output-dictionary-size OUTPUT_DICTIONARY_SIZE] [--self-target]
        [--future-target] [--past-target] [--add-bos-token]
        [--max-target-positions MAX_TARGET_POSITIONS]
        [--shorten-method {none,truncate,random_crop}]
        [--shorten-data-split-list SHORTEN_DATA_SPLIT_LIST]
        [--pad-to-fixed-length] [--pad-to-fixed-bsz]

Task name

--task Enable this task with: --task=language_modeling

Additional command-line arguments

data path to data directory

Possible choices: none, complete, complete_doc, eos

If omitted or “none”, fills each sample with tokens-per-sample tokens. If set to “complete”, splits samples only at the end of sentence, but may include multiple sentences per sample. “complete_doc” is similar but respects doc boundaries. If set to “eos”, includes only one sentence per sample.

Default: “none”


max number of tokens per sample for LM dataset

Default: 1024


limit the size of output dictionary

Default: -1


include self target

Default: False


include future target

Default: False


include past target

Default: False


prepend beginning of sentence token (<s>)

Default: False

--max-target-positions max number of tokens in the target sequence

Possible choices: none, truncate, random_crop

if not none, shorten sequences that exceed –tokens-per-sample

Default: “none”


comma-separated list of dataset splits to apply shortening to, e.g., “train,valid” (default: all dataset splits)

Default: “”


pad to fixed length

Default: False


boolean to pad to fixed batch size

Default: False

Adding new tasks

fairseq.tasks.register_task(name, dataclass=None)[source]

New tasks can be added to fairseq with the register_task() function decorator.

For example:

class ClassificationTask(FairseqTask):


All Tasks must implement the FairseqTask interface.

Parameters:name (str) – the name of the task
class fairseq.tasks.FairseqTask(cfg: fairseq.dataclass.configs.FairseqDataclass, **kwargs)[source]

Tasks store dictionaries and provide helpers for loading/iterating over Datasets, initializing the Model/Criterion and calculating the loss.

Tasks have limited statefulness. In particular, state that needs to be saved to/loaded from checkpoints needs to be stored in the self.state StatefulContainer object. For example:

self.state.add_factory("dictionary", self.load_dictionary)
print(self.state.dictionary)  # calls self.load_dictionary()

This is necessary so that when loading checkpoints, we can properly recreate the task state after initializing the task instance.

classmethod add_args(parser)[source]

Add task-specific arguments to the parser.

aggregate_logging_outputs(logging_outputs, criterion)[source]

[deprecated] Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training.

begin_epoch(epoch, model)[source]

Hook function called before the start of each epoch.

begin_valid_epoch(epoch, model)[source]

Hook function called before the start of each validation epoch.


Build the tokenizer for this task.

build_criterion(cfg: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig)[source]

Build the FairseqCriterion instance for this task.

Parameters:cfg (omegaconf.DictConfig) – configration object
Returns:a FairseqCriterion instance
build_dataset_for_inference(src_tokens: List[torch.Tensor], src_lengths: List[int], **kwargs) → torch.utils.data.dataset.Dataset[source]
classmethod build_dictionary(filenames, workers=1, threshold=-1, nwords=-1, padding_factor=8)[source]

Build the dictionary

  • filenames (list) – list of filenames
  • workers (int) – number of concurrent workers
  • threshold (int) – defines the minimum word count
  • nwords (int) – defines the total number of words in the final dictionary, including special symbols
  • padding_factor (int) – can be used to pad the dictionary size to be a multiple of 8, which is important on some hardware (e.g., Nvidia Tensor Cores).
build_generator(models, args, seq_gen_cls=None, extra_gen_cls_kwargs=None, prefix_allowed_tokens_fn=None)[source]

Build a SequenceGenerator instance for this task.

  • models (List[FairseqModel]) – ensemble of models
  • args (fairseq.dataclass.configs.GenerationConfig) – configuration object (dataclass) for generation
  • extra_gen_cls_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]) – extra options to pass through to SequenceGenerator
  • prefix_allowed_tokens_fn (Callable[[int, torch.Tensor], List[int]]) – If provided, this function constrains the beam search to allowed tokens only at each step. The provided function should take 2 arguments: the batch ID (batch_id: int) and a unidimensional tensor of token ids (inputs_ids: torch.Tensor). It has to return a List[int] with the allowed tokens for the next generation step conditioned on the previously generated tokens (inputs_ids) and the batch ID (batch_id). This argument is useful for constrained generation conditioned on the prefix, as described in “Autoregressive Entity Retrieval” (https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.00904) and https://github.com/facebookresearch/GENRE.
build_model(cfg: fairseq.dataclass.configs.FairseqDataclass, from_checkpoint=False)[source]

Build the BaseFairseqModel instance for this task.

Parameters:cfg (FairseqDataclass) – configuration object
Returns:a BaseFairseqModel instance

Build the pre-tokenizer for this task.


Return a loaded dataset split.

Parameters:split (str) – name of the split (e.g., train, valid, test)
Returns:a FairseqDataset corresponding to split
filter_indices_by_size(indices, dataset, max_positions=None, ignore_invalid_inputs=False)[source]

Filter examples that are too large

  • indices (np.array) – original array of sample indices
  • dataset (FairseqDataset) – dataset to batch
  • max_positions (optional) – max sentence length supported by the model (default: None).
  • ignore_invalid_inputs (bool, optional) – don’t raise Exception for sentences that are too long (default: False).

array of filtered sample indices

Return type:


get_batch_iterator(dataset, max_tokens=None, max_sentences=None, max_positions=None, ignore_invalid_inputs=False, required_batch_size_multiple=1, seed=1, num_shards=1, shard_id=0, num_workers=0, epoch=1, data_buffer_size=0, disable_iterator_cache=False, skip_remainder_batch=False, grouped_shuffling=False, update_epoch_batch_itr=False)[source]

Get an iterator that yields batches of data from the given dataset.

  • dataset (FairseqDataset) – dataset to batch
  • max_tokens (int, optional) – max number of tokens in each batch (default: None).
  • max_sentences (int, optional) – max number of sentences in each batch (default: None).
  • max_positions (optional) – max sentence length supported by the model (default: None).
  • ignore_invalid_inputs (bool, optional) – don’t raise Exception for sentences that are too long (default: False).
  • required_batch_size_multiple (int, optional) – require batch size to be a multiple of N (default: 1).
  • seed (int, optional) – seed for random number generator for reproducibility (default: 1).
  • num_shards (int, optional) – shard the data iterator into N shards (default: 1).
  • shard_id (int, optional) – which shard of the data iterator to return (default: 0).
  • num_workers (int, optional) – how many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means the data will be loaded in the main process (default: 0).
  • epoch (int, optional) – the epoch to start the iterator from (default: 1).
  • data_buffer_size (int, optional) – number of batches to preload (default: 0).
  • disable_iterator_cache (bool, optional) – don’t cache the EpochBatchIterator (ignores FairseqTask::can_reuse_epoch_itr) (default: False).
  • skip_remainder_batch (bool, optional) –

    if set, discard the last batch in each training epoch, as the last batch is often smaller than

    local_batch_size * distributed_word_size (default: True).
  • grouped_shuffling (bool, optional) – group batches with each groups containing num_shards batches and shuffle groups. Reduces difference between sequence lengths among workers for batches sorted by length.
  • update_epoch_batch_itr (bool optional) – if true then donot use the cached batch iterator for the epoch

a batched iterator over the

given dataset split

Return type:


get_interactive_tokens_and_lengths(lines, encode_fn)[source]
inference_step(generator, models, sample, prefix_tokens=None, constraints=None)[source]
load_dataset(split: str, combine: bool = False, task_cfg: fairseq.dataclass.configs.FairseqDataclass = None, **kwargs)[source]

Load a given dataset split.

  • split (str) – name of the split (e.g., train, valid, test)
  • combine (bool) – combines a split segmented into pieces into one dataset
  • task_cfg (FairseqDataclass) – optional task configuration stored in the checkpoint that can be used to load datasets
classmethod load_dictionary(filename)[source]

Load the dictionary from the filename

Parameters:filename (str) – the filename
load_state_dict(state_dict: Dict[str, Any])[source]
static logging_outputs_can_be_summed(criterion) → bool[source]

Whether the logging outputs returned by train_step and valid_step can be summed across workers prior to calling aggregate_logging_outputs. Setting this to True will improves distributed training speed.


Return the max input length allowed by the task.

optimizer_step(optimizer, model, update_num)[source]
reduce_metrics(logging_outputs, criterion)[source]

Aggregate logging outputs from data parallel training.

classmethod setup_task(cfg: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, **kwargs)[source]

Setup the task (e.g., load dictionaries).

Parameters:cfg (omegaconf.DictConfig) – parsed command-line arguments

Return the source Dictionary (if applicable for this task).


Return the target Dictionary (if applicable for this task).

train_step(sample, model, criterion, optimizer, update_num, ignore_grad=False)[source]

Do forward and backward, and return the loss as computed by criterion for the given model and sample.


  • the loss
  • the sample size, which is used as the denominator for the gradient
  • logging outputs to display while training

Return type:


valid_step(sample, model, criterion)[source]