Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
# the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights
# can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

import itertools
import math

import numpy as np
import torch

from . import data_utils

[docs]class CountingIterator(object): """Wrapper around an iterable that maintains the iteration count. Args: iterable (iterable): iterable to wrap Attributes: count (int): number of elements consumed from this iterator """ def __init__(self, iterable, start=0): self.iterable = iterable self.count = start self.itr = iter(self) self.len = start + len(iterable) def __len__(self): return self.len def __iter__(self): for x in self.iterable: self.count += 1 yield x def __next__(self): return next(self.itr)
[docs] def has_next(self): """Whether the iterator has been exhausted.""" return self.count < len(self)
[docs] def skip(self, num_to_skip): """Fast-forward the iterator by skipping *num_to_skip* elements.""" next(itertools.islice(self.itr, num_to_skip, num_to_skip), None) return self
[docs]class EpochBatchIterator(object): """A multi-epoch iterator over a :class:``. Compared to :class:``, this iterator: - can be reused across multiple epochs with the :func:`next_epoch_itr` method (optionally shuffled between epochs) - can be serialized/deserialized with the :func:`state_dict` and :func:`load_state_dict` methods - supports sharding with the *num_shards* and *shard_id* arguments Args: dataset ( dataset from which to load the data collate_fn (callable): merges a list of samples to form a mini-batch batch_sampler ( an iterator over batches of indices seed (int, optional): seed for random number generator for reproducibility (default: 1). num_shards (int, optional): shard the data iterator into N shards (default: 1). shard_id (int, optional): which shard of the data iterator to return (default: 0). num_workers (int, optional): how many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means the data will be loaded in the main process (default: 0). epoch (int, optional): the epoch to start the iterator from (default: 0). """ def __init__( self, dataset, collate_fn, batch_sampler, seed=1, num_shards=1, shard_id=0, num_workers=0, epoch=0, ): assert isinstance(dataset, self.dataset = dataset self.collate_fn = collate_fn self.frozen_batches = tuple(batch_sampler) self.seed = seed self.num_shards = num_shards self.shard_id = shard_id self.num_workers = num_workers self.epoch = epoch self._cur_epoch_itr = None self._next_epoch_itr = None self._supports_prefetch = getattr(dataset, 'supports_prefetch', False) def __len__(self): return len(self.frozen_batches)
[docs] def next_epoch_itr(self, shuffle=True, fix_batches_to_gpus=False): """Return a new iterator over the dataset. Args: shuffle (bool, optional): shuffle batches before returning the iterator (default: True). fix_batches_to_gpus: ensure that batches are always allocated to the same shards across epochs. Requires that :attr:`dataset` supports prefetching (default: False). """ if self._next_epoch_itr is not None: self._cur_epoch_itr = self._next_epoch_itr self._next_epoch_itr = None else: self.epoch += 1 self._cur_epoch_itr = self._get_iterator_for_epoch( self.epoch, shuffle, fix_batches_to_gpus=fix_batches_to_gpus, ) return self._cur_epoch_itr
[docs] def end_of_epoch(self): """Returns whether the most recent epoch iterator has been exhausted""" return not self._cur_epoch_itr.has_next()
@property def iterations_in_epoch(self): """The number of consumed batches in the current epoch.""" if self._cur_epoch_itr is not None: return self._cur_epoch_itr.count elif self._next_epoch_itr is not None: return self._next_epoch_itr.count return 0
[docs] def state_dict(self): """Returns a dictionary containing a whole state of the iterator.""" return { 'epoch': self.epoch, 'iterations_in_epoch': self.iterations_in_epoch, }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): """Copies the state of the iterator from the given *state_dict*.""" self.epoch = state_dict['epoch'] itr_pos = state_dict.get('iterations_in_epoch', 0) if itr_pos > 0: # fast-forward epoch iterator self._next_epoch_itr = self._get_iterator_for_epoch( self.epoch, shuffle=state_dict.get('shuffle', True), offset=itr_pos, )
def _get_iterator_for_epoch(self, epoch, shuffle, fix_batches_to_gpus=False, offset=0): def shuffle_batches(batches, seed): # set seed based on the seed and epoch number so that we get # reproducible results when resuming from checkpoints with data_utils.numpy_seed(seed): np.random.shuffle(batches) return batches if self._supports_prefetch: batches = self.frozen_batches if shuffle and not fix_batches_to_gpus: batches = shuffle_batches(list(batches), self.seed + epoch) batches = list(ShardedIterator( batches, self.num_shards, self.shard_id, fill_value=[] )) self.dataset.prefetch([i for s in batches for i in s]) if shuffle and fix_batches_to_gpus: batches = shuffle_batches(batches, self.seed + epoch + self.shard_id) else: if shuffle: batches = shuffle_batches(list(self.frozen_batches), self.seed + epoch) else: batches = self.frozen_batches batches = list(ShardedIterator( batches, self.num_shards, self.shard_id, fill_value=[] )) if offset > 0 and offset >= len(batches): return None return CountingIterator( self.dataset, collate_fn=self.collate_fn, batch_sampler=batches[offset:], num_workers=self.num_workers, ), start=offset, )
[docs]class GroupedIterator(object): """Wrapper around an iterable that returns groups (chunks) of items. Args: iterable (iterable): iterable to wrap chunk_size (int): size of each chunk """ def __init__(self, iterable, chunk_size): self._len = int(math.ceil(len(iterable) / float(chunk_size))) self.offset = int(math.ceil(getattr(iterable, 'count', 0) / float(chunk_size))) self.itr = iterable self.chunk_size = chunk_size def __len__(self): return self._len def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): chunk = [] try: for _ in range(self.chunk_size): chunk.append(next(self.itr)) except StopIteration as e: if len(chunk) == 0: raise e return chunk
[docs]class ShardedIterator(object): """A sharded wrapper around an iterable, padded to length. Args: iterable (iterable): iterable to wrap num_shards (int): number of shards to split the iterable into shard_id (int): which shard to iterator over fill_value (Any, optional): padding value when the iterable doesn't evenly divide *num_shards* (default: None). """ def __init__(self, iterable, num_shards, shard_id, fill_value=None): if shard_id < 0 or shard_id >= num_shards: raise ValueError('shard_id must be between 0 and num_shards') self._sharded_len = len(iterable) // num_shards if len(iterable) % num_shards > 0: self._sharded_len += 1 self.itr = itertools.zip_longest( range(self._sharded_len), itertools.islice(iterable, shard_id, len(iterable), num_shards), fillvalue=fill_value, ) def __len__(self): return self._sharded_len def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return next(self.itr)[1]