Source code for fairseq.optim.lr_scheduler.fixed_schedule

# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
# the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant of patent rights
# can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

from . import FairseqLRScheduler, register_lr_scheduler

[docs]@register_lr_scheduler('fixed') class FixedSchedule(FairseqLRScheduler): """Decay the LR on a fixed schedule.""" def __init__(self, args, optimizer): super().__init__(args, optimizer) # set defaults args.warmup_updates = getattr(args, 'warmup_updates', 0) or 0 =[0] if args.warmup_updates > 0: self.warmup_factor = 1. / args.warmup_updates else: self.warmup_factor = 1
[docs] @staticmethod def add_args(parser): """Add arguments to the parser for this LR scheduler.""" # fmt: off parser.add_argument('--force-anneal', '--fa', type=int, metavar='N', help='force annealing at specified epoch') parser.add_argument('--lr-shrink', default=0.1, type=float, metavar='LS', help='shrink factor for annealing, lr_new = (lr * lr_shrink)') parser.add_argument('--warmup-updates', default=0, type=int, metavar='N', help='warmup the learning rate linearly for the first N updates')
# fmt: on
[docs] def get_next_lr(self, epoch): lrs = if self.args.force_anneal is None or epoch < self.args.force_anneal: # use fixed LR schedule next_lr = lrs[min(epoch, len(lrs) - 1)] else: # annneal based on lr_shrink next_lr = lrs[-1] * self.args.lr_shrink ** (epoch + 1 - self.args.force_anneal) return next_lr
[docs] def step(self, epoch, val_loss=None): """Update the learning rate at the end of the given epoch.""" super().step(epoch, val_loss) = self.get_next_lr(epoch) self.optimizer.set_lr(self.warmup_factor * return self.optimizer.get_lr()
[docs] def step_update(self, num_updates): """Update the learning rate after each update.""" if self.args.warmup_updates > 0 and num_updates <= self.args.warmup_updates: self.warmup_factor = num_updates / float(self.args.warmup_updates) self.optimizer.set_lr(self.warmup_factor * return self.optimizer.get_lr()