Source code for fairseq.tasks.language_modeling

# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
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import itertools
import os

import numpy as np
import torch

from fairseq import utils
from import (
from fairseq.tasks import FairseqTask, register_task

[docs]@register_task('language_modeling') class LanguageModelingTask(FairseqTask): """ Train a language model. Args: dictionary ( the dictionary for the input of the language model output_dictionary ( the dictionary for the output of the language model. In most cases it will be the same as *dictionary*, but could possibly be a more limited version of the dictionary (if ``--output-dictionary-size`` is used). targets (List[str]): list of the target types that the language model should predict. Can be one of "self", "future", and "past". Defaults to "future". .. note:: The language modeling task is compatible with :mod:`fairseq-train`, :mod:`fairseq-generate`, :mod:`fairseq-interactive` and :mod:`fairseq-eval-lm`. The language modeling task provides the following additional command-line arguments: .. argparse:: :ref: fairseq.tasks.language_modeling_parser :prog: """ @staticmethod def add_args(parser): """Add task-specific arguments to the parser.""" # fmt: off parser.add_argument('data', help='path to data directory') parser.add_argument('--sample-break-mode', default='none', choices=['none', 'complete', 'complete_doc', 'eos'], help='If omitted or "none", fills each sample with tokens-per-sample ' 'tokens. If set to "complete", splits samples only at the end ' 'of sentence, but may include multiple sentences per sample. ' '"complete_doc" is similar but respects doc boundaries. ' 'If set to "eos", includes only one sentence per sample.') parser.add_argument('--tokens-per-sample', default=1024, type=int, help='max number of tokens per sample for LM dataset') parser.add_argument('--lazy-load', action='store_true', help='load the dataset lazily') parser.add_argument('--raw-text', default=False, action='store_true', help='load raw text dataset') parser.add_argument('--output-dictionary-size', default=-1, type=int, help='limit the size of output dictionary') parser.add_argument('--self-target', action='store_true', help='include self target') parser.add_argument('--future-target', action='store_true', help='include future target') parser.add_argument('--past-target', action='store_true', help='include past target') parser.add_argument('--add-bos-token', action='store_true', help='prepend beginning of sentence token (<s>)') parser.add_argument('--max-target-positions', type=int, metavar='N', help='max number of tokens in the target sequence') # fmt: on def __init__(self, args, dictionary, output_dictionary=None, targets=None): super().__init__(args) self.dictionary = dictionary self.output_dictionary = output_dictionary or dictionary if targets is None: targets = ['future'] self.targets = targets @classmethod def setup_task(cls, args, **kwargs): """Setup the task (e.g., load dictionaries). Args: args (argparse.Namespace): parsed command-line arguments """ if getattr(args, 'raw_text', False): utils.deprecation_warning('--raw-text is deprecated, please use --dataset-impl=raw') args.dataset_impl = 'raw' elif getattr(args, 'lazy_load', False): utils.deprecation_warning('--lazy-load is deprecated, please use --dataset-impl=lazy') args.dataset_impl = 'lazy' dictionary = None output_dictionary = None if paths =':') assert len(paths) > 0 dictionary = Dictionary.load(os.path.join(paths[0], 'dict.txt')) print('| dictionary: {} types'.format(len(dictionary))) output_dictionary = dictionary if args.output_dictionary_size >= 0: output_dictionary = TruncatedDictionary(dictionary, args.output_dictionary_size) # upgrade old checkpoints if hasattr(args, 'exclude_self_target'): args.self_target = not args.exclude_self_target targets = [] if getattr(args, 'self_target', False): targets.append('self') if getattr(args, 'future_target', False): targets.append('future') if getattr(args, 'past_target', False): targets.append('past') if len(targets) == 0: # standard language modeling targets = ['future'] return cls(args, dictionary, output_dictionary, targets=targets) def build_model(self, args): model = super().build_model(args) for target in self.targets: if target not in model.supported_targets: raise ValueError('Unsupported language modeling target: {}'.format(target)) return model def load_dataset(self, split, epoch=0, combine=False, **kwargs): """Load a given dataset split. Args: split (str): name of the split (e.g., train, valid, test) """ loaded_datasets = [] paths =':') assert len(paths) > 0 data_path = paths[epoch % len(paths)] for k in itertools.count(): split_k = split + (str(k) if k > 0 else '') path = os.path.join(data_path, split_k) ds = indexed_dataset.make_dataset(path, impl=self.args.dataset_impl, fix_lua_indexing=True, dictionary=self.dictionary) if ds is None: if k > 0: break else: raise FileNotFoundError('Dataset not found: {} ({})'.format(split, data_path)) loaded_datasets.append( TokenBlockDataset( ds, ds.sizes, self.args.tokens_per_sample, pad=self.dictionary.pad(), eos=self.dictionary.eos(), break_mode=self.args.sample_break_mode, include_targets=True, ) ) print('| {} {} {} examples'.format(data_path, split_k, len(loaded_datasets[-1]))) if not combine: break if len(loaded_datasets) == 1: dataset = loaded_datasets[0] sizes = dataset.sizes else: dataset = ConcatDataset(loaded_datasets) sizes = np.concatenate([ds.sizes for ds in loaded_datasets]) add_eos_for_other_targets = self.args.sample_break_mode is not None and self.args.sample_break_mode != 'none' self.datasets[split] = MonolingualDataset( dataset, sizes, self.dictionary, self.output_dictionary, add_eos_for_other_targets=add_eos_for_other_targets, shuffle=True, targets=self.targets, add_bos_token=self.args.add_bos_token, ) def build_dataset_for_inference(self, src_tokens, src_lengths): return TransformEosDataset( MonolingualDataset( TokenBlockDataset( src_tokens, src_lengths, block_size=None, pad=self.source_dictionary.pad(), eos=self.source_dictionary.eos(), break_mode='eos', include_targets=False, ), src_lengths, self.source_dictionary, self.target_dictionary, add_eos_for_other_targets=False, shuffle=False, add_bos_token=self.args.add_bos_token, ), eos=self.source_dictionary.eos(), # remove EOS since this will be used as a prefix for generation remove_eos_from_src=True, has_target=False, ) def inference_step(self, generator, models, sample, prefix_tokens=None): with torch.no_grad(): if prefix_tokens is None and sample['net_input']['src_tokens'].nelement(): # note: EOS has already been removed in build_dataset_for_inference prefix_tokens = sample['net_input']['src_tokens'] return generator.generate(models, sample, prefix_tokens=prefix_tokens) @property def source_dictionary(self): """Return the :class:`` for the language model.""" return self.dictionary @property def target_dictionary(self): """Return the :class:`` for the language model.""" return self.output_dictionary