Source code for fairseq.modules.transformer_layer

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor

from fairseq import utils
from fairseq.models.transformer import TransformerConfig
from fairseq.modules import LayerNorm, MultiheadAttention
from fairseq.modules.fairseq_dropout import FairseqDropout
from fairseq.modules.quant_noise import quant_noise

class TransformerEncoderLayerBase(nn.Module):
    """Encoder layer block.

    In the original paper each operation (multi-head attention or FFN) is
    postprocessed with: `dropout -> add residual -> layernorm`. In the
    tensor2tensor code they suggest that learning is more robust when
    preprocessing each layer with layernorm and postprocessing with:
    `dropout -> add residual`. We default to the approach in the paper, but the
    tensor2tensor approach can be enabled by setting
    *cfg.encoder.normalize_before* to ``True``.

        args (argparse.Namespace): parsed command-line arguments

    def __init__(self, cfg, return_fc=False):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.return_fc = return_fc
        self.embed_dim = cfg.encoder.embed_dim
        self.quant_noise = cfg.quant_noise.pq
        self.quant_noise_block_size = cfg.quant_noise.pq_block_size
        self.self_attn = self.build_self_attention(self.embed_dim, cfg)
        self.self_attn_layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.embed_dim, export=cfg.export)
        self.dropout_module = FairseqDropout(
            cfg.dropout, module_name=self.__class__.__name__
        self.activation_fn = utils.get_activation_fn(activation=cfg.activation_fn)
        activation_dropout_p = cfg.activation_dropout
        if activation_dropout_p == 0:
            # for backwards compatibility with models that use cfg.relu_dropout
            activation_dropout_p = cfg.relu_dropout or 0
        self.activation_dropout_module = FairseqDropout(
            float(activation_dropout_p), module_name=self.__class__.__name__
        self.normalize_before = cfg.encoder.normalize_before
        self.fc1 = self.build_fc1(
        self.fc2 = self.build_fc2(

        self.final_layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.embed_dim, export=cfg.export)

    def build_fc1(self, input_dim, output_dim, q_noise, qn_block_size):
        return quant_noise(
            nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim), p=q_noise, block_size=qn_block_size

    def build_fc2(self, input_dim, output_dim, q_noise, qn_block_size):
        return quant_noise(
            nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim), p=q_noise, block_size=qn_block_size

    def _get_fc_rank(self, remove_num: int) -> List[int]:
        f1_filter_param = []
        for i in range(self.fc1.out_features):
                + torch.sum(torch.abs(self.fc2.weight[:, i]))
                + torch.abs(self.fc1.bias[i])
        return sorted(
            range(len(f1_filter_param)), key=lambda k: f1_filter_param[k], reverse=False

    def _prune_fc_layer(self, remove_index: List[int]):
        new_fc1_weight = []
        new_fc1_bias = []
        for i in range(self.fc1.out_features):
            if i not in remove_index:

        new_fc1_weight = torch.stack(new_fc1_weight).detach()
        new_fc1_weight.requires_grad = True

        new_fc1_bias = torch.stack(new_fc1_bias).detach()
        new_fc1_bias.requires_grad = True

        self.fc1 = quant_noise(
            nn.Linear(self.fc1.in_features, self.fc1.out_features - len(remove_index)),
        self.fc1.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(new_fc1_weight)
        self.fc1.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(new_fc1_bias)

        new_fc2_weight = []
        new_fc2_bias = []
        for i in range(self.fc2.in_features):
            if i not in remove_index:
                new_fc2_weight.append(self.fc2.weight[:, i])
        new_fc2_bias = self.fc2.bias.detach()

        new_fc2_weight = torch.stack(new_fc2_weight, dim=-1).detach()
        new_fc2_weight.requires_grad = True

        new_fc2_bias = self.fc2.bias.detach()
        new_fc2_bias.requires_grad = True

        self.fc2 = quant_noise(
            nn.Linear(self.fc2.in_features - len(remove_index), self.fc2.out_features),
        self.fc2.weight = torch.nn.Parameter(new_fc2_weight)
        self.fc2.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(new_fc2_bias)

    def build_self_attention(self, embed_dim, cfg):
        return MultiheadAttention(

    def residual_connection(self, x, residual):
        return residual + x

    def upgrade_state_dict_named(self, state_dict, name):
        Rename layer norm states from `...layer_norms.0.weight` to
        `...self_attn_layer_norm.weight` and `...layer_norms.1.weight` to
        layer_norm_map = {"0": "self_attn_layer_norm", "1": "final_layer_norm"}
        for old, new in layer_norm_map.items():
            for m in ("weight", "bias"):
                k = "{}.layer_norms.{}.{}".format(name, old, m)
                if k in state_dict:
                    state_dict["{}.{}.{}".format(name, new, m)] = state_dict[k]
                    del state_dict[k]

    def forward(
        encoder_padding_mask: Optional[Tensor],
        attn_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
            x (Tensor): input to the layer of shape `(seq_len, batch, embed_dim)`
            encoder_padding_mask (ByteTensor): binary ByteTensor of shape
                `(batch, seq_len)` where padding elements are indicated by ``1``.
            attn_mask (ByteTensor): binary tensor of shape `(tgt_len, src_len)`,
                where `tgt_len` is the length of output and `src_len` is the
                length of input, though here both are equal to `seq_len`.
                `attn_mask[tgt_i, src_j] = 1` means that when calculating the
                embedding for `tgt_i`, we exclude (mask out) `src_j`. This is
                useful for strided self-attention.

            encoded output of shape `(seq_len, batch, embed_dim)`
        # anything in original attn_mask = 1, becomes -1e8
        # anything in original attn_mask = 0, becomes 0
        # Note that we cannot use -inf here, because at some edge cases,
        # the attention weight (before softmax) for some padded element in query
        # will become -inf, which results in NaN in model parameters
        if attn_mask is not None:
            attn_mask = attn_mask.masked_fill(
      , -1e8 if x.dtype == torch.float32 else -1e4

        residual = x
        if self.normalize_before:
            x = self.self_attn_layer_norm(x)
        x, _ = self.self_attn(
        x = self.dropout_module(x)
        x = self.residual_connection(x, residual)
        if not self.normalize_before:
            x = self.self_attn_layer_norm(x)

        residual = x
        if self.normalize_before:
            x = self.final_layer_norm(x)
        x = self.activation_fn(self.fc1(x))
        x = self.activation_dropout_module(x)
        x = self.fc2(x)

        fc_result = x

        x = self.dropout_module(x)
        x = self.residual_connection(x, residual)
        if not self.normalize_before:
            x = self.final_layer_norm(x)

        if self.return_fc and not torch.jit.is_scripting():
            return x, fc_result
        return x

# backward compatible with the legacy argparse format
[docs]class TransformerEncoderLayer(TransformerEncoderLayerBase): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(TransformerConfig.from_namespace(args)) self.args = args
[docs] def build_self_attention(self, embed_dim, args): return super().build_self_attention( embed_dim, TransformerConfig.from_namespace(args) )
class TransformerDecoderLayerBase(nn.Module): """Decoder layer block. In the original paper each operation (multi-head attention, encoder attention or FFN) is postprocessed with: `dropout -> add residual -> layernorm`. In the tensor2tensor code they suggest that learning is more robust when preprocessing each layer with layernorm and postprocessing with: `dropout -> add residual`. We default to the approach in the paper, but the tensor2tensor approach can be enabled by setting *cfg.decoder.normalize_before* to ``True``. Args: args (argparse.Namespace): parsed command-line arguments no_encoder_attn (bool, optional): whether to attend to encoder outputs (default: False). """ def __init__( self, cfg, no_encoder_attn=False, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False ): super().__init__() self.embed_dim = cfg.decoder.embed_dim self.dropout_module = FairseqDropout( cfg.dropout, module_name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.quant_noise = cfg.quant_noise.pq self.quant_noise_block_size = cfg.quant_noise.pq_block_size self.cross_self_attention = cfg.cross_self_attention self.self_attn = self.build_self_attention( self.embed_dim, cfg, add_bias_kv=add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn=add_zero_attn, ) self.attn_ln = ( LayerNorm(self.embed_dim) if utils.safe_getattr(cfg, "scale_attn", False) else None ) self.nh = self.self_attn.num_heads self.head_dim = self.self_attn.head_dim scale_heads = utils.safe_getattr(cfg, "scale_heads", False) self.c_attn = ( nn.Parameter(torch.ones((self.nh,)), requires_grad=True) if scale_heads else None ) self.activation_fn = utils.get_activation_fn(activation=cfg.activation_fn) activation_dropout_p = cfg.activation_dropout if activation_dropout_p == 0: # for backwards compatibility with models that use cfg.relu_dropout activation_dropout_p = cfg.relu_dropout or 0 self.activation_dropout_module = FairseqDropout( float(activation_dropout_p), module_name=self.__class__.__name__ ) self.normalize_before = cfg.decoder.normalize_before self.self_attn_layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.embed_dim, export=cfg.export) if no_encoder_attn: self.encoder_attn = None self.encoder_attn_layer_norm = None else: self.encoder_attn = self.build_encoder_attention(self.embed_dim, cfg) self.encoder_attn_layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.embed_dim, export=cfg.export) self.ffn_layernorm = ( LayerNorm(cfg.decoder.ffn_embed_dim) if utils.safe_getattr(cfg, "scale_fc", False) else None ) self.w_resid = ( nn.Parameter( torch.ones( self.embed_dim, ), requires_grad=True, ) if utils.safe_getattr(cfg, "scale_resids", False) else None ) self.fc1 = self.build_fc1( self.embed_dim, cfg.decoder.ffn_embed_dim, self.quant_noise, self.quant_noise_block_size, ) self.fc2 = self.build_fc2( cfg.decoder.ffn_embed_dim, self.embed_dim, self.quant_noise, self.quant_noise_block_size, ) self.final_layer_norm = LayerNorm(self.embed_dim, export=cfg.export) self.need_attn = True self.onnx_trace = False def build_fc1(self, input_dim, output_dim, q_noise, qn_block_size): return quant_noise(nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim), q_noise, qn_block_size) def build_fc2(self, input_dim, output_dim, q_noise, qn_block_size): return quant_noise(nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim), q_noise, qn_block_size) def build_self_attention( self, embed_dim, cfg, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False ): return MultiheadAttention( embed_dim, cfg.decoder.attention_heads, dropout=cfg.attention_dropout, add_bias_kv=add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn=add_zero_attn, self_attention=not cfg.cross_self_attention, q_noise=self.quant_noise, qn_block_size=self.quant_noise_block_size, xformers_att_config=cfg.decoder.xformers_att_config, ) def build_encoder_attention(self, embed_dim, cfg): return MultiheadAttention( embed_dim, cfg.decoder.attention_heads, kdim=cfg.encoder.embed_dim, vdim=cfg.encoder.embed_dim, dropout=cfg.attention_dropout, encoder_decoder_attention=True, q_noise=self.quant_noise, qn_block_size=self.quant_noise_block_size, xformers_att_config=cfg.encoder.xformers_att_config, ) def prepare_for_onnx_export_(self): self.onnx_trace = True def residual_connection(self, x, residual): return residual + x def forward( self, x, encoder_out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, encoder_padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, incremental_state: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]]]] = None, prev_self_attn_state: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = None, prev_attn_state: Optional[List[torch.Tensor]] = None, self_attn_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, self_attn_padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, need_attn: bool = False, need_head_weights: bool = False, ): """ Args: x (Tensor): input to the layer of shape `(seq_len, batch, embed_dim)` encoder_padding_mask (ByteTensor, optional): binary ByteTensor of shape `(batch, src_len)` where padding elements are indicated by ``1``. need_attn (bool, optional): return attention weights need_head_weights (bool, optional): return attention weights for each head (default: return average over heads). Returns: encoded output of shape `(seq_len, batch, embed_dim)` """ if need_head_weights: need_attn = True residual = x if self.normalize_before: x = self.self_attn_layer_norm(x) if prev_self_attn_state is not None: prev_key, prev_value = prev_self_attn_state[:2] saved_state: Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]] = { "prev_key": prev_key, "prev_value": prev_value, } if len(prev_self_attn_state) >= 3: saved_state["prev_key_padding_mask"] = prev_self_attn_state[2] assert incremental_state is not None self.self_attn._set_input_buffer(incremental_state, saved_state) _self_attn_input_buffer = self.self_attn._get_input_buffer(incremental_state) if self.cross_self_attention and not ( incremental_state is not None and _self_attn_input_buffer is not None and "prev_key" in _self_attn_input_buffer ): if self_attn_mask is not None: assert encoder_out is not None self_attn_mask = (x.new_zeros(x.size(0), encoder_out.size(0)), self_attn_mask), dim=1 ) if self_attn_padding_mask is not None: if encoder_padding_mask is None: assert encoder_out is not None encoder_padding_mask = self_attn_padding_mask.new_zeros( encoder_out.size(1), encoder_out.size(0) ) self_attn_padding_mask = (encoder_padding_mask, self_attn_padding_mask), dim=1 ) assert encoder_out is not None y =, x), dim=0) else: y = x x, attn = self.self_attn( query=x, key=y, value=y, key_padding_mask=self_attn_padding_mask, incremental_state=incremental_state, need_weights=False, attn_mask=self_attn_mask, ) if self.c_attn is not None: tgt_len, bsz = x.size(0), x.size(1) x = x.view(tgt_len, bsz, self.nh, self.head_dim) x = torch.einsum("tbhd,h->tbhd", x, self.c_attn) x = x.reshape(tgt_len, bsz, self.embed_dim) if self.attn_ln is not None: x = self.attn_ln(x) x = self.dropout_module(x) x = self.residual_connection(x, residual) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.self_attn_layer_norm(x) if self.encoder_attn is not None and encoder_out is not None: residual = x if self.normalize_before: x = self.encoder_attn_layer_norm(x) if prev_attn_state is not None: prev_key, prev_value = prev_attn_state[:2] saved_state: Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]] = { "prev_key": prev_key, "prev_value": prev_value, } if len(prev_attn_state) >= 3: saved_state["prev_key_padding_mask"] = prev_attn_state[2] assert incremental_state is not None self.encoder_attn._set_input_buffer(incremental_state, saved_state) x, attn = self.encoder_attn( query=x, key=encoder_out, value=encoder_out, key_padding_mask=encoder_padding_mask, incremental_state=incremental_state, static_kv=True, need_weights=need_attn or (not and self.need_attn), need_head_weights=need_head_weights, ) x = self.dropout_module(x) x = self.residual_connection(x, residual) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.encoder_attn_layer_norm(x) residual = x if self.normalize_before: x = self.final_layer_norm(x) x = self.activation_fn(self.fc1(x)) x = self.activation_dropout_module(x) if self.ffn_layernorm is not None: x = self.ffn_layernorm(x) x = self.fc2(x) x = self.dropout_module(x) if self.w_resid is not None: residual = torch.mul(self.w_resid, residual) x = self.residual_connection(x, residual) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.final_layer_norm(x) if self.onnx_trace and incremental_state is not None: saved_state = self.self_attn._get_input_buffer(incremental_state) assert saved_state is not None if self_attn_padding_mask is not None: self_attn_state = [ saved_state["prev_key"], saved_state["prev_value"], saved_state["prev_key_padding_mask"], ] else: self_attn_state = [saved_state["prev_key"], saved_state["prev_value"]] return x, attn, self_attn_state return x, attn, None def make_generation_fast_(self, need_attn: bool = False, **kwargs): self.need_attn = need_attn # backward compatible with the legacy argparse format
[docs]class TransformerDecoderLayer(TransformerDecoderLayerBase): def __init__( self, args, no_encoder_attn=False, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False ): super().__init__( TransformerConfig.from_namespace(args), no_encoder_attn=no_encoder_attn, add_bias_kv=add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn=add_zero_attn, ) self.args = args
[docs] def build_self_attention( self, embed_dim, args, add_bias_kv=False, add_zero_attn=False ): return super().build_self_attention( embed_dim, TransformerConfig.from_namespace(args), add_bias_kv=add_bias_kv, add_zero_attn=add_zero_attn, )
[docs] def build_encoder_attention(self, embed_dim, args): return super().build_encoder_attention( embed_dim, TransformerConfig.from_namespace(args), )