Source code for fairseq.models

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import argparse
import importlib
import os

from .fairseq_decoder import FairseqDecoder
from .fairseq_encoder import FairseqEncoder
from .fairseq_incremental_decoder import FairseqIncrementalDecoder
from .fairseq_model import (

from .composite_encoder import CompositeEncoder
from .distributed_fairseq_model import DistributedFairseqModel


__all__ = [

def build_model(args, task):
    return ARCH_MODEL_REGISTRY[args.arch].build_model(args, task)

[docs]def register_model(name): """ New model types can be added to fairseq with the :func:`register_model` function decorator. For example:: @register_model('lstm') class LSTM(FairseqEncoderDecoderModel): (...) .. note:: All models must implement the :class:`BaseFairseqModel` interface. Typically you will extend :class:`FairseqEncoderDecoderModel` for sequence-to-sequence tasks or :class:`FairseqLanguageModel` for language modeling tasks. Args: name (str): the name of the model """ def register_model_cls(cls): if name in MODEL_REGISTRY: raise ValueError('Cannot register duplicate model ({})'.format(name)) if not issubclass(cls, BaseFairseqModel): raise ValueError('Model ({}: {}) must extend BaseFairseqModel'.format(name, cls.__name__)) MODEL_REGISTRY[name] = cls return cls return register_model_cls
[docs]def register_model_architecture(model_name, arch_name): """ New model architectures can be added to fairseq with the :func:`register_model_architecture` function decorator. After registration, model architectures can be selected with the ``--arch`` command-line argument. For example:: @register_model_architecture('lstm', 'lstm_luong_wmt_en_de') def lstm_luong_wmt_en_de(args): args.encoder_embed_dim = getattr(args, 'encoder_embed_dim', 1000) (...) The decorated function should take a single argument *args*, which is a :class:`argparse.Namespace` of arguments parsed from the command-line. The decorated function should modify these arguments in-place to match the desired architecture. Args: model_name (str): the name of the Model (Model must already be registered) arch_name (str): the name of the model architecture (``--arch``) """ def register_model_arch_fn(fn): if model_name not in MODEL_REGISTRY: raise ValueError('Cannot register model architecture for unknown model type ({})'.format(model_name)) if arch_name in ARCH_MODEL_REGISTRY: raise ValueError('Cannot register duplicate model architecture ({})'.format(arch_name)) if not callable(fn): raise ValueError('Model architecture must be callable ({})'.format(arch_name)) ARCH_MODEL_REGISTRY[arch_name] = MODEL_REGISTRY[model_name] ARCH_MODEL_INV_REGISTRY.setdefault(model_name, []).append(arch_name) ARCH_CONFIG_REGISTRY[arch_name] = fn return fn return register_model_arch_fn
# automatically import any Python files in the models/ directory models_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for file in os.listdir(models_dir): path = os.path.join(models_dir, file) if not file.startswith('_') and not file.startswith('.') and (file.endswith('.py') or os.path.isdir(path)): model_name = file[:file.find('.py')] if file.endswith('.py') else file module = importlib.import_module('fairseq.models.' + model_name) # extra `model_parser` for sphinx if model_name in MODEL_REGISTRY: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) group_archs = parser.add_argument_group('Named architectures') group_archs.add_argument('--arch', choices=ARCH_MODEL_INV_REGISTRY[model_name]) group_args = parser.add_argument_group('Additional command-line arguments') MODEL_REGISTRY[model_name].add_args(group_args) globals()[model_name + '_parser'] = parser